
Wild Cheryl Strayed

Resenhas - Wild

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Vanessa.Issa 20/07/2017

Reading Challenge 2017 - A book set in the wilderness

Já tinha visto o filme anteriormente, então tinha uma ideia do que esperar. Mas, mesmo assim, o livro conseguiu me emocionar bastante. Saber que tudo isso aconteceu de verdade torna tudo ainda mais especial. Valeu muito a leitura!

Fabi Luques 26/07/2018

This book wasn't on my reading list of this year, but as it appeared in my life, I was enchanted even with the prologue. Cheryl Strayed seemed to put her soul into this writing. As we read it, we can almost feel as if we were out there in the woods with her, feeling her loneliness as well as her joy with every small achievement. The book does gets a bit slow after a while, but I guess there was no other way of representing this journey so truthfully - and never it was so gratifying to complete a reading. This book was eye opening for me, as it gave me a hole new view in life. Cheryl goes through a lot of heavy stuff in her life concerning both her surroundings and her inner being, but as the reading goes, we can clearly see how all of this made her stronger. I usually don't get emotional with books, but this one has made me cry a few times as a consequence of me being so immersed in it. However, the amount of times I've cried does not compare to the amount of times I've caught myself smiling throughout the book. It was worth the reading, it's a great book.

Jaque 16/02/2024

A jornada da heroína
A autora conta como, em 1995, aos 26 anos, caminhou quase 1,800 km sozinha, numa trilha que vai do México até o Canadá. Muitos momentos emocionantes ao longo do percurso, uma verdadeira jornada do herói. Entretanto, o livro é um pouco longo demais, e tive a sensação de que a autora detalhou demais no início, e correu um pouco no final. De qualquer forma, ainda recomendo a leitura!

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