Reasons I Fell for the Funny Fat Friend

Reasons I Fell for the Funny Fat Friend Becca Ann...

Resenhas - Reasons I fell for the funny fat friend

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Greice 22/05/2013

Reasons I fell for the book “Reasons I fell for the funny fat friend” by Becca Ann
Reason 1: The name of the book makes you instantly want to read it.
Reason 2: I could totally relate to Hayley because I feel like I am/was the funny fat friend in my group of friends.
Reason 3: Hayley’s insecurities matched my own.
Reason 4: It is told from the boy’s perspective and that is one of the things that make this book so amazing.
Reason 5: Hayley is awesomesauce .
Reason 6: Brody is obviously a hot guy, but he doesn’t seem to notice or care much about it.
Reason 7: Brody behaves like the perfect gentleman even if his thoughts aren’t always so gentlemanlike.
Reason 8: Brody has a six pack. A freaking six pack.
Reason 9: The friendship between Brody and Hayley and their scenes together are just so darn cute.
Reason 10: They are always laughing and smiling when they are together, and that makes us laugh and smile and wish for a relationship like that.
Reason 11: Brody never once thinks that Hayley is fat, he loves her for who she is and for the things that make her Hayley. He loves her inside and out, and she becomes the most beautiful girl in the world to him.
Reason 12: Every time Brody calls her Hayles my insides melt.
Reason 13: Brody stalking Hayley, turning psycho and behaving like a girl every time his phone rang.
Reason 14: The characters feel so real and I was able to connect to them 100%
Reason 15: When they get together, they really get together, and in return you get some HOT kissing scenes. Then, of course, you read them over and over again because well…THEY ARE HOT.
Reason 16: I was laughing, smiling and going “oh my god they are so cute” throughout the whole book.
Reason 17: When I was obsessing about the Les Miserables song that Hayley sings in one of my favorite scenes from the book, the author took the time of her day to tell me which one she was thinking about when she wrote it.
Reason 18: Now I can’t listen to “On my Own” without smiling and thinking about Hayley and Brody
Reason 19: How I just have to buy the physical copy of the book because I read on the digital one.
Reason 20: The book gives hope to all the FFF’s out there who are waiting for a guy like Brody.
Reason 21: The names of the chapters are so creative and funny.
Reason 22: You want to keep reading because you just need to know what the next reason will be.
Reason 23: You feel like rereading your favorite parts immediately after finishing the book.
Reason 24: The more you read it (or reread it), the more you fall in love with the characters.
Reason 25: I can’t get this book out of my mind.
Reason 26: I want to show the world just how incredible this book is.
Reason 27: The book is extremely funny and clever and fluffy and the romance is one that I will NOT easily forget.

Epilogue: I really wish they would translate this book to Portuguese already so I could give it as a present to everyone. Later, after they finish and tell me it is awesome I will be able to say “I told you so.”

I mean, come on....Look at the title of this book. It's perfect. And the book is so darn cute. Darn because Brody can't swear next to Hayley, she doesn't like that ;)
I mean I instantly related to the title, because...well... I was the funny fat friend. Ok. Maybe not funny, but from my group of friends I was the fat one, or the "less beautiful" ( ugly is a harsh word). You know, that girl that is friends with the girls and their boyfriends or dates but never actually has a date? That was me! Still am if you think about it, but let's not dwell.
The point is. This book was such a great read for me. I instantly related to Hayley and the way she feels about herself, OMG it was just so me. And Brody falling in love with her has to be the cutest thing in the world. And she never believes him because she doesn't think she's good enough(read thin enough) for a guy who has a six pack, so he's like, stepping on eggshells around her while thinking she's the sexiest person he's ever seen and wanting to be with her badly, and it's so cool and funny and awesome that I read the book in a few hours. There is a point in the book that she tells him to write her a list of reasons of why he's into her. AND THOSE ARE THE NAMES OF THE CHAPTERS! And the reasons are just so cool. Like: Reason 1: You know how to sign the word "balls", Reason 3: You know how to make awkward less awkward, Reason 4: it's easy with you, Reason 5: you know how to make a guy feel pretty good about himself. They get better, but I don't want to spoil things for you guys. You should read it. Hayley is cool, and Brody is cool, and the book is sooooo cool! I loved it.

Isabela.KZS 07/03/2018

Leve e divertido
Uma leitura tranquila e rápida, sem maiores problemas.

Lemos a história pelo ponto de vista de Brody e logo somos apresentados ao adolescente apaixonado pela ex-namorada de seu irmão idiota, mas sendo considerado como um irmão por ela. Logo ele vira amigo de Hayley, sua parceira "gordinha", que resolve ajudá-lo a conquistar a ex do irmão - Quynn. Claro que, com o passar do tempo, Brody se apaixona por Hayley, mas agora ele precisa convencer a amiga disso.

Uma leitura muito boa, mas a autora poderia ter explorado mais os problemas pessoais de Brody e, principalmente, de Hayley que não tem uma vida tão tranquila quando ela deixa parecer. Becca Ann, infelizmente, tratou os problemas de Hayley muito superficialmente, quando é uma situação que pode deixar marcas psicológicas em uma pessoa.
Por ela não ter se aprofundado, você acaba não se conectando TANTO com o drama vivido pelos personagens.

Contudo, a história não deixa de ser agradável e ótima de passar o tempo.

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