I am Legend

I am Legend Richard Matheson

Resenhas - I am Legend

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Alexandre 25/04/2015

I'm Legend
This book tells the story of Robert Neville the last man alive in the earth who lives surrounded by Vampires, during the day he is the hunter however at night he becomes the prey, Besides of horror of vampires it brings also the deep despair of the loneliness.
the book is a good reading, in my opinion 10 times better than the movie, mostly the end that is utterly different.

zoreio 23/10/2013

Se você (assim como eu) achou o filme meia boca, leia o livro e entenda porque esse best-seller foi para as telonas.

Rodrigo D'urso 14/04/2013

The construction of the enviroment was one of the characteristics that took my breath on the first tale that was the title of book.

I AM LEGEND is completely different that I have watched on movies.

I can talk, now, the book is 100% better, the storie continuous about vampires, but the way it take really surprised me.

I could make a spoiler here, but I prefer tell you to read the book and feel the surprise inside that.

There is more tales on that, I like the others I've read untill now, but I am still admired with the firs tale.

I felt I was inside the Neville's house, with him, listening the noises outside.

It's really frightening.

renatojf 23/11/2012

Bom livro. Especialmente se você achou o final do filme chato. O livro é paradão, mas a história bem mais interessante.

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