
Winger Andrew Smith

Resenhas - Winger

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Rascal 21/05/2015

...”when someone finally settles on calling you by a nickname, you’re stuck.”
Winger follows the life of Ryan Dean West a former fourteen year old student at pine mountain academy, a boarding school for rich kids; he’s advanced a couple grades ‘cause he’s like super smart. Everybody in his grade is older than him and he kind of feels like an outsider and because of that he gets picked on a lot, but he decides that this year he’s going to stick up for himself. He’s trying get on with this girl he likes and also proves to everyone that he’s not some “little kid”.

This book was hilarious. It’s also very crude so don’t read this if you don’t like swearing or dirty language. I absolutely loved this; it’s amazing how accurate this book is when it comes to how a fourteen year old thinks. All the characters were genuinely relatable, honest and very real. I liked the main character so much, mainly because I’ve been through similar situations when I was a fourteen year old. This is the kind of book that will make you laugh out loud and also cry your eyeballs off when it gets close to the end, it definitely left a hole inside me after reading the ending (so thank you Andrew Smith for shattering my heart into a million pieces plus leaving me with this heart wrenching feeling after reading it). The plot is just amazing there was never a dull moment and it kept me interested the whole time. The story is told in first person from Ryan Dean’s perspective, but you also get to know more about the other characters as he interacts with them. So, if you’re thinking about picking this up and you don’t mind swearing, you’re not gonna regret it. It’s totally worth it your time.

Kosch 01/06/2020

Sincero, Cruel e Viciante.
Há muito tempo desejo ler esse livro, e minhas expectativas eram enormes.
Nunca imaginei que a história fosse SUPERAR TODAS as minhas expectativas. Apesar de inúmeros comentários homofóbicos verbalizados pelos amigos do Ryan Dean West (o protagonista nesse livro), e NÃO PERPETUADOS mas também não corrigidos pelo Dean (o que me incomodou extremamente já que ele se diz muito amigo do Joey, que é gay), e alguns comentários machistas feitos tanto pelo protagonista quanto pelos amigos (o que é um tanto quanto compreensível, mas não menos ESCROTO, já que ele vive numa esfera de masculinidade tóxica IMENSA que é o mundo dos esportes), consegui apreciar a narrativa e os altos e baixos da vida do Ryan no segundo ano em Pine Mountain.
O romance é bem construído, e é muito difícil largar o livro! Capítulos curtos e acontecimentos explosivos a cada dia na escola te forçam a ler compulsivamente até chegar no final.
Ah, o final...... Vou dizer apenas que você vai ficas uns minutos olhando pro nada, pensando em tudo.

Muito mais que recomendado!

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