Karma and Reincarnation

Karma and Reincarnation Paramhansa Yoganada

Resenhas - Karma and Reincarnation

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Moitta 13/07/2015

"Life needs variety to be interesting. If a novel makes us laugh or cry, we appreciate it."

"If you don't like the plot, remember, the freer you are inside, the greater will be your ability to change it."

"Change and contrast are inevitable, and are what make the great game possible. View them dispassionately, and never allow them to define who you are, inside."

"Blame no one for the evils that beset you. Accept responsibility for your own life, and for whatever misfortunes you encounter. Do your best, with firm resolution, to eliminate the harmful tendencies on your own nature."

"Accuse no one, not even yourself. Blame and accusation won't erase what has been done; it will affirm, rather, your dependency on circumstances over which, truly, you have lost control. Seek God in the inner silence. Reconcile yourself to what is, and to what needs to be done about it."

"Most human beings refuse to be guided from within, by higher wisdom."

"If unexpected fortune and misfortune in your life confuse you, seek the only solution there is to life's endless puzzle; deep meditation, and increasing attunement with wisdom through daily contact with the ever-free, Infinit Spirit."

"The Hindu scriptures teach that the first duty of man is to keep his body in good condition; otherwise his mind is unable to remain fixed in devotional concentration."

"Make it a point always to keep your most important of all engagements: your daily appointment with the Lord.
Twice daily, enter the inner silence."

"Acquire the power of meditation and the treasures of intuitional perceptions and ever-new peace and joy, which will be of greater use to you on your last journey. Forget the delusions of today. Get ready for death, by making your acquaintance with God every day."

"The immortal soul must win several prizes in order to maintain Spirit-endurance: self-control, detachment, morality, calmness, and spirituality - and must pass all grades in the earthly school in order to become free."

"Therefore, perform all good deeds not for yourself but for God. In this way, the responsibility for your actions and for their results will not touch the soul."

"The egotist, who works only to please himself, becomes caught in an endless net of desire, from which he can extricate himself only after many incarnations. Therefore, never be idle, absent-minded, or egotistically ambitious, but be divinely ambitious to work and play on earth with the right attitude of mind, as the Divine Director wishes of you."

"To renounce the world without the inner conquest of desires produces hypocrites."

"Consciousness directs all material creation."

"Fear of sickness, and a desire for physical health, fear of poverty, and a desire for opulence, and the feeling that we lack knowledge as well as the desire to know everything: all these belong in the domain of ignorance. Of course, if we are stricken with ill health, failure or ignorance, we need not continue to remain so. We should strive for health, prosperity, and wisdom without fear of failure. But we should remain non-attached and even-minded, throughout."

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