The End

The End Charlie Higson

Resenhas - The End

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Tony92 10/08/2022

“I’m fighting and I’m winning and I’m living. The full package.”
Sadly the final book in the series. But it was a highly addictive and compulsive series. As it was the last book in the series I knew there was going to be one last big war-like battle between the Kids and the Grown-Ups/Sickos. I will call them sickos from now on as it was the agreed name all the kids decided to call them in the final book.

Before the battle begins all the kids from different groups around London finally gather together to discuss how to defeat the immense number of sickos before they try to kill sam and infect all the kids. To try and stop them once and for all. St. George's army is converging together in their thousands and forming an army. Which I thought was pretty terrifying for anyone to face let alone kids.

A character that pissed me off not just in this book but the whole series was David at Buckingham Palace. He wanted to be the leader of all the kids throughout it all and now that he wasn't to be their leader for the final battle he decided he would not help fight the sickos. He is only interested in power and having control of everyone and everything. He is delusional and only thinks of himself. The other kids mean nothing to him which is evident at the end of the book. I wanted him to die so much. Sounds terrible but he would get everyone killed if he was in charge.

I have a good few favourite characters which include Ed, Ollie, Shadowman, Blue and Maxie, Sam and The Kid, and Achilleus who I grew to like a lot in the final book as we got to see his true character and who he truly is and not just a loud mouth tough Kid who is good and killing sickos. Throughout the book, I was hoping some of the characters I liked would not die although some minor characters did and some major characters also did which was a given as they were going to war with the sickos.

The final battle was of epic proportions. It was one of my favourite parts of the whole series. The odds were against the kids but they were going to fight them until death if they had to. The battle was something out of Lord of the Rings. Well in my mind and anyway. During the first half of the battle, I kept wondering when Ed was going to arrive and help. I thought he would never come, but when he did a big smile filled my face and I got goosebumps all over my body, especially with Shadowman arriving with the car bombs with Ben and Bernie. But more importantly, Ed had Ella with him safe and sound she could finally be reunited with Sam after all this time.

I now wonder how the kids will live now that the battle is over. Will Einstein find a cure that he's been working on? And are all the sickos dead? It was a battle for the ages that will be written in the history books and everyone's story leading up to it will be told.

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