Long Live the Beautiful Hearts

Long Live the Beautiful Hearts Emma Scott


Long Live the Beautiful Hearts (Beautiful Hearts Duet #2)

Never again would I allow my heart to become the plaything of someone else.
Never again would I let a man (or men) come between me and my goals.
Never again would I love without feeling the fullness of that love in return.
Not until I knew it was real. And if that took me a lifetime to find, so be it.

Those were my vows, and after all that had happened with Connor and Weston, I was determined to keep them. To protect my heart.
And then he came home, and my vows became his promises.

He held my heart in his hands with reverence and care.
He helped me find my soul’s greatest purpose in life.
He loved me with a love so pure and vibrant, I knew I’d never feel anything like it in a hundred lifetimes.
It was real.

Until it wasn’t.
Until it all came crashing down when I discovered the deep love I thought I’d found was nestled in a web of lies—so soft and silken I hadn’t noticed it was there.
Until it was too late.

Long Live the Beautiful Hearts is the emotional, heart-wrenching conclusion to the Beautiful Hearts Duet by bestselling author, Emma Scott, and is inspired by the classic tale, Cyrano de Bergerac. (Roxanne) THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL LOVE TRIANGLE #confusedhearts #notamenage
THIS BOOK IS NOT A STANDALONE. It should not be read without first reading Bring Down the Stars


Edições (1)

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Long Live the Beautiful Hearts


(2) ver mais
Bring Down the Stars
The Last Piece of His Heart

Resenhas para Long Live the Beautiful Hearts (3)

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on 24/8/21

Se o livro anterior já havia me surpreendido, esse aqui ganhou de lavada. De jeito nenhum eu imaginei que a autora seguiria por esse caminho e, embora por um momento eu tenha desejado que as coisas tivessem seguido outro rumo, ao fim da história, eu vi a beleza no que a autora escreveu e percebi que foi perfeito. Long Live the Hearts é um romance que te prende da primeira á ultima página. Tanta coisa acontece nessa história que muda drasticamente a vida dessas pessoas, mas o mais le... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 53
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cadastrou em:
22/10/2018 15:26:58
editou em:
28/11/2020 12:48:39