Massimo Bottura: Never Trust a Skinny Italian Chef

Massimo Bottura: Never Trust a Skinny Italian Chef Massimo Bottura


Massimo Bottura: Never Trust a Skinny Italian Chef

Sobre o Autor
Massimo Bottura is the chef patron of Osteria Francescana, a three Michelin star restaurant based in Modena, Italy. Massimo grew up in Modena and developed an interest in cooking from a young age after watching his mother, grandmother and aunt in the kitchen preparing family meals. In 1986 he left a law degree to open his first restaurant and subsequently went on to develop his love of food with stages for Alain Ducasse at Louis XV in Monte Carlo and Ferran Adria at elbulli. He opened Osteria Francescana in 1995."
Resenha da Editora
"Massimo Bottura is the Jimi Hendrix of Italian chefs. . .he takes familiar dishes and classical flavors and techniques and turns them on their heads in a way that is innovative, boundary‐breaking, sky kissing, and entirely whimsical, but ultimately timeless, and most importantly, deliciously satisfying." – Mario Batali

Never Trust a Skinny Italian Chef is a tribute to Bottura’s twenty‐five year career and the evolution of Osteria Francescana, his three Michelin star restaurant based in Modena, Italy. Divided into four chapters, each one dealing with a different period, the book features 50 recipes and stories explaining Bottura’s inspirations (including the music and art that motivates him), ingredients, and techniques. Follow Bottura as he pries, pokes and questions the authority of tradition, and in result creates whimsical dishes with a wink such as Memory of a Mortadella Sandwich, Tortellini Walking on Broth, and Oops! I Dropped the Lemon Tart!.

Illustrated with specially commissioned color photography by contemporary artists Stefano Graziani and Carlo Benvenuto, and featuring a conversation between Bottura and artist Maurizio Cattelan, Never Trust a Skinny Italian Chef will delight and inspire chefs, Italian food lovers, and fans of creative cuisine alike.

Culinária e Gastronomia

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Massimo Bottura: Never Trust a Skinny Italian Chef



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Rodrigo D'urso
cadastrou em:
29/08/2016 17:37:29