Microcontroller-Based Temperature Monitoring and Control

Microcontroller-Based Temperature Monitoring and Control Dogan Ibrahim


Microcontroller-Based Temperature Monitoring and Control

*Provides practical guidance and essential theory making it ideal for engineers facing a design challenge or students devising a project *Includes real-world design guides for implementing a microcontroller-based control systems *Requires only basic mathematical and engineering background as the use of microcontrollers is introduced from first principles Engineers involved in the use of microcontrollers in measurement and control systems will find this book an essential practical guide, providing design principles and application case studies backed up with sufficient control theory and electronics to develop their own systems. It will also prove invaluable for students and experimenters seeking real-world project work involving the use of a microcontroller. Unlike the many introductory books on microcontrollers Dogan Ibrahim has used his engineering experience to write a book based on real-world applications. A basic mathematical and engineering background is assumed, but the use of microcontrollers is introduced from first principles. Microcontroller-Based Temperature Monitoring and Control is an essential and practical guide for all engineers involved in the use of microcontrollers in measurement and control systems. The book provides design principles and application case studies backed up with sufficient control theory and electronics to develop your own systems. It will also prove invaluable for students and experimenters seeking real-world project work involving the use of a microcontroller. Techniques for the application of microcontroller-based control systems are backed up with the basic theory and mathematics used in these designs, and various digital control techniques are discussed with reference to digital sample theory. The first part of the book covers temperature sensors and their use in measurement, and includes the latest non-invasive and digital sensor types. The second part covers sampling procedures, control systems and the application of digital control algorithms using a microcontroller. The final chapter describes a complete microcontroller-based temperature control system, including a full software listing for the programming of the controller.

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João gregorio
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07/06/2022 14:44:48