My Perfect Life at Cornish Cottage

My Perfect Life at Cornish Cottage S J Crabb


My Perfect Life at Cornish Cottage

A funny and feel-good romantic comedy

This novel is a cosy feel good romantic comedy about love, loss and starting again. Sophie Bailey has it all or so she thinks until one day she wakes up to find that her husband of 20 years is leaving her for a younger woman. With no job, no money, no self esteem and the threat of losing her home Sophie will have to push aside her heartbreak and act fast. With a 6 year old son and wayward puppy to care for failure is not an option. As if things aren't bad enough she finds herself village gossip fodder, pursued by the mafia - playground variety, forced into servitude and resigns herself to a lifetime of shopping in Poundland. On the plus side there is the gorgeous Mr Rainford on hand to fantasise about twice a day. The only one she can count on is her totally mad friend who thinks that life is like one of the books on her Kindle. With her 40th birthday looming Sophie doesn't think that it can get any worse - she was wrong. Suddenly Sophie's life goes Viral! A bittersweet love story that will have you laughing out loud before crying into your latte. When life explodes around you who can you really count on? This is a story of shattered dreams and broken promises. When life deals you a hard blow you have no choice but to carry on. Throw in a mad dose of humour and you can get through anything. Can't you?


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My Perfect Life at Cornish Cottage


Resenhas para My Perfect Life at Cornish Cottage (1)

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on 13/6/21

É um romance gostoso de ler, conta as desventuras de uma dona de casa que, perto do seu aniversário de 40 anos, descobre que o marido a trocou por uma modelo muito mais nova. É divertido sem ser meloso, a história transcorre num ritmo agradável, a leitura em inglês é facil, mas também traz expressões idiomáticas bem atuais, que é sempre bom aprender.... leia mais


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08/12/2017 21:52:01