On Enemy Ground

On Enemy Ground M.E. Clayton


On Enemy Ground (The Enemy Duet #2)

What do you do when the past isn't done with you?

Victoria McGrath wasn't anyone's pushover, but she spent years on the sidelines as her best friend got bullied all through school. Feisty and touch, Vicky fought the good fight and had stuck by Fiona all these years. Now, a successful graphic designer, Vicky's independence is solidified, and she couldn't be happier. She had her friends, her career, and her favorite bar, Mercury's. Life was great...at least until a night out produces a plus-one she never expected to see again.

William Creston wanted for nothing. His success was absolute. His wealth was endless. And women were far from the challenge they should be. And even though, his business partner, Damien, is insane, that hadn't tainted the sweet taste of success. But when Will finds himself doing Damien a favor, he never expected ten-year old feelings for Victoria McGrath to resurface so forcefully. The plan had been simple; one night. How was he to know one night would just be the beginning.

Ten years after Will accepted that he was the enemy, and Victoria would always see him that way, he's back and is ready to make up for lost time. Ten years later, Victoria is just as strong and fiery as she's always been, and she hasn't forgotten a minute of their past.

He'll do whatever it takes to get the girl, and she'll do whatever it takes to not fall for it-again.

Erótico / Romance

Edições (1)

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On Enemy Ground


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In Enemy Territory

Resenhas para On Enemy Ground (2)

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Vee e Will
on 10/8/22

Foi tão bom voltar na história de Fiona e Damien e saber como o casal amigo e parceiro deles ficaram, a história deste casal foi incrível a descoberta de que sentiam tanto amor um pelo outro foi tão bonita e leve. Essa autora borda assuntos tabu de forma leve e divertida sem perder o contexto que e exigido. Boa leitura.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.1 / 20
ranking 5
ranking 35
ranking 45
ranking 10
ranking 5



Brenda Miranda
cadastrou em:
11/10/2020 14:40:25
Brenda Miranda
editou em:
11/10/2020 14:41:28