Oxford Modern English Grammar

Oxford Modern English Grammar Bas Aarts


Oxford Modern English Grammar

Written by Bas Aarts, one of Britain's leading grammarians, Oxford Modern English Grammar is a brand new and definitive guide to English grammar. This indispensable handbook covers both British and American English, and makes use of authentic spoken and written examples.

Packed with tables, diagrams, and numerous example sentences, and assuming no prior knowledge of grammatical concepts on the part of the reader, this volume offers an unmatched guide to the structure of contemporary English. Arranged in three clear parts for ease of use, the Grammar's comprehensive coverage ranges from the very basic--such as word structure, simple and complex phrases, and clause types--to the more sophisticated topics that lie at the intersection of grammar and meaning, including tense and aspect, mood and modality, and information structuring. How do words formed by "compounding" differ from words formed by "conversion"? How many verbs in English can take a declarative clause functioning as direct object (ie, "decide that..." or "believe that...")? What is the relationship between a matrix clause and a subordinate clause? What is the present futurate? The past futurate? The present perfect? How does the grammar of English encode such semantic notions as "possibility," "probability," "necessity," "obligation," "permission," "intention," or "ability"? Aarts answers all these questions, clearly and engagingly, deeply enriching the reader's understanding of the English language.

Oxford Modern English Grammar will be invaluable for those with an interest in the English language, undergraduate students of all disciplines, and for anyone who would like a clear guide to English grammar and how to use it.

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Oxford Modern English Grammar


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on 18/2/20

É uma gramática muito boa, concisa, bem escrita e abrangente, abordando todos os assuntos importantes com o nível certo de profundidade. Por ser escrita completamente em inglês e por abordar alguns temas complicados (em qualquer língua, mesmo em português), não é indicada para alunos iniciantes e sim para aqueles a partir do final do B2. Não é necessário ler uma gramática para aprender inglês, mas esta aqui melhora muito a compreensão e ajuda a chegar a um nível mais avançado.... leia mais


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Mani Araujo
cadastrou em:
04/12/2015 19:51:09