Phantom in the Night

Phantom in the Night Sherrilyn Kenyon


Phantom in the Night

(B.A.D. Agency, #02)

After losing her mother to a vigilante killer, Terri Mitchell has dedicated her life to justice. Working covertly as a new agent for the Bureau of American Defence agency, she's consulting with the New Orleans Police Department to bust an organised crime ring suspected of funding terrorism. But when rumours surface of a phantom ghost terrorising and killing the very people she's investigating, she's suspicious.

Nathan Drake has spent his life protecting his family, the only thing that matters to him...until the most feared drug lord in the southeast takes everything Nathan holds dear. Now he's a man on a mission with nothing to lose. He figures he only needs to stay alive long enough to protect the innocent lives the killers are out to destroy.

As the two of them seek a similar goal by different means, Terri and Nathan are drawn deep into an evil underbelly that cuts through all levels of society. Now two people who have no reason to trust must trust in each other or die. And if they die, a deadly attack will be unleashed on thousands of innocent people.

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Phantom in the Night


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Adoreiiiiiiiiiiiiii essa hsitoria.... foi a mlehor até agora ...
on 3/9/10

Essa historia é cheia de ação policial + perseguição + trafico de drogas/Traficantes + Terrorista + Atentados com Armas Biologicas + Agente secreto infiltrado no lado do Bem e no lado do Mal + Suspense + Grupo Secreto que tenta Dominar o Mundo ... Essa hsitoria é ELETRIZANTE e ainda conseguiu me emocionar em alguns momentos... sim.. sim.. eu cheguei até a chorar ... e não foi pouco ...snif... NATE está no exercito ( tropa da elite ) fazendo um trabalho de campo qdo recebe a noticia q... leia mais


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ranking 45
ranking 27
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cadastrou em:
30/07/2010 19:51:12

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