Playing Nice

Playing Nice JP Delaney


Playing Nice

What if you found out that your family isn't yours at all? How far would you go to protect them? A gripping new psychological thriller from the bestselling author of The Girl Before. . . .

Pete Riley answers the door one morning and lets in a parent's worst nightmare. On his doorstep is Miles Lambert, a stranger who breaks the devastating news that Pete's son, Theo, isn't actually his son--he is the Lamberts', switched at birth by an understaffed hospital while their real son was sent home with Miles and his wife, Lucy. For Pete, his partner Maddie, and the little boy they've been raising for the past two years, life will never be the same again.

The two families, reeling from the shock, take comfort in shared good intentions, eagerly entwining their very different lives in the hope of becoming one unconventional modern family. But a plan to sue the hospital triggers an official investigation that unearths some disturbing questions about the night their children were switched. How much can they trust the other parents--or even each other? What secrets are hidden behind the Lamberts' glossy front door? Stretched to the breaking point, Pete and Maddie discover they will each stop at nothing to keep their family safe.

They are done playing nice.

Literatura Estrangeira / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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Playing Nice
Playing Nice


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Quem era ela
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Mais um thriller psicológico foda desse autor, já to virando fã!
on 29/8/20

Sabe aquele livro que ultrapassa as nossas expectativas? Pois bem, esse é o livro! A princípio a trama aparenta ser mais um drama doméstico qualquer entre muitos, mas no decorrer ela vai se tornando um verdadeiro thriller psicológico daqueles de fazer a gente virar a noite lendo o/ A história demora um pouco pra engrenar, mas nem por isso se torna desinteressante, pois desde o início já imaginamos as turbulências da trama, aliás temos dois bebes que foram supostamente trocados acid... leia mais


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03/06/2020 12:50:47