Promise Me: A Heartbreaking and Unputdownable Page Turner

Promise Me: A Heartbreaking and Unputdownable Page Turner Jade Beer


Promise Me: A Heartbreaking and Unputdownable Page Turner

If you could wish one thing for your daughter, what would it be? Jenny lost her beloved mother as a teenager, and was left devastated. As a parting gift she left her daughter a bundle of letters, one for each significant day of Jenny's future. First date, first broken heart, graduation day... and one for the day Jenny meets the love of her life. Her mother's letters are everything to her, but how can Jenny ever become the confident, successful woman her mother wanted her to be when her heart is broken by her loss? When an unexpected meeting has Jenny mistaken for somebody she's not, Jenny learns that sometimes pretending is the easiest way to tell the truth and that loving someone can mean letting them go... An absolutely unforgettable book club read that will break your heart. If you love Jojo Moyes, Cecelia Ahern and Nancy Thayer you will love this unputdownable page-turner. Readers absolutely love Jade Beer... 'Made me sob my heart out... You'll need to grab a box of tissues... one of the most captivating, beautiful, and flawlessly written books I think I have ever read... PERFECTLY perfect in every way.' The Writing Garnet, 5 stars 'I am not going to lie, but I sobbed in this book. Not just a little trickle of tears, I sobbed... God, I loved this book!... I feel like I have made new friends... I cried with them, laughed with them, cheered with them and my heart broke with them.' Zoo Loo Book Blog, 5 stars 'An emotional journey filled with tears of happiness and sadness.' B for Book Review, 5 stars

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18/10/2020 01:03:50