Reaper Hospital: Code Possessive Boss

Reaper Hospital: Code Possessive Boss Lacey Carter Andersen


Reaper Hospital: Code Possessive Boss (Their Reaper #1)

When I died, I didn't expect to be reborn as something evil.

Now I'm undercover at a busy hospital as a healer. I'm called a miracle worker by some and a scam artist by others. The truth is, they're all right about me. I'm not technically a healer. I'm a reaper.

The kicker is, I've found a way to heal by using my powers of death, something no reaper has ever done before. It's scary, but I've tried to accept that this is all my new life can be, and I'm making the best of it.

But then I went and slept with my boss.

Oh, and did I mention he's my new neighbor? And that the hot doctor and sexy male nurse from work are his roommates? Things have definitely gotten complicated.

When I realize that not everything is as it seems, I might just need these sexy men to help me with my new job. I'm just not sure I can hide my true nature from them, or keep them safe if I drag them into my world.

What's a new reaper to do?

REAPER HOSPITAL CODE POSSESSIVE BOSS is the first full book in the Their Reaper Series, however, there is a short prequel titled Unlikely Reaper that you can pick up right now. So, if you like steamy paranormal reverse harem romance, sexy doctors, nurses, and bosses, preorder your copy now and dive into this exciting new world!

Fantasia / Horror

Edições (1)

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Reaper Hospital: Code Possessive Boss


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Reaper Hospital: Code Hot Nurse
Unlikely Reaper
Reaper Hospital: Code Stubborn Doctor

Resenhas para Reaper Hospital: Code Possessive Boss (0)

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on 4/5/24

Início: 29/04/2024 Fim: 04/05/2024 ? ? ? ? ? Gostei. O final foi chocante, mas um bocadinho expectável.... leia mais


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Kamui Leo
cadastrou em:
16/11/2023 19:06:32
Kamui Leo
editou em:
16/11/2023 19:12:44