Scars And Stripes

Scars And Stripes Kat Baxter


Scars And Stripes (Heart of a Wounded Hero #05)

A Second Chance/Scarred Hero/Curvy Girl Romance

A Second Chance/Scarred Hero/Curvy Girl Romance


My career as a SEAL is over and I’ve been sent home as a half a man. I might be done with the rehabilitation program offered by the Navy, but I still need physical therapy. How was I supposed to know that the best therapist in my home town is the only girl I've ever wanted?

Kelli is the one that got away, the one I always intended to come home to someday. I’d do anything for a second chance with the curvaceous beauty, but now I’ve got nothing to offer her. She deserves better than a broken warrior like me.

But when I find out she still feels the same way? All bets are off.


The Heart of the Wounded Hero series was created to pay tribute to and raise awareness of our wounded heroes. Each of the over eighty authors involved have contributed time, money, and stories to the cause. These love stories are inspiring and uplifting, showing the sacrifice of our veterans but also giving them the happily ever after they deserve.

By increasing awareness through our books, we believe we can in a small part help the wounded heroes that have sacrificed so much.

Thank you for reading!

Contos / Erótico / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Scars And Stripes


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on 22/2/23

Kelli e Wade tinham questões do passado pra resolver. Ela ainda carregava muita mágoa devido ao que ele fez no passado. E ao invés de conversarem sobre isso, já saltaram pra parte física da coisa. Ficou difícil me apegar aos dois como casal. Tudo muito saltado, muito corrido. O fato do livro ter ligação com várias outras histórias da autora (de várias séries diferentes) me deu a sensação de ter pegado uma história em andamento, já no meio, e que perdi boa parte dela. Eu esperava mais e... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
14/07/2022 16:08:26
Suelen Mattos
editou em:
22/02/2023 03:58:43