Second Body

Second Body Milorad Pávitch


Second Body

Milorad Pavić’s novel Second Body is a kind of parallel to the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Besides what Dan Brown said about the female principle bringing it back into the tale of Christ, there are some other important things that the Christianity of the 21st century can offer mankind. For example, the second body of Christ, which, according to
His own words, man can also attain.

Two amorous couples in the 18th century and two couples in the 21st century are searching for the second body of Christ and the second body of man. The couples from the 18th century live in Venice and Sent Andrea (Hungary), and those from the 21st century live all over, from Paris to Belgrade.

When Elisabeth's mobile rings and she reads the number appearing on the screen, she's scared. Her husband is calling her, but he was buried in the cemetery of Belgrade three weeks before. That's the beginning of the last novel written by Milorad Pavic and indeed the author is the telling voice, the main character of this novel, the one who tells us about his search for the Second Body Jesus Christ had after His death and promised us. The Author met Elisabeth – who's younger than him – some years before and they fall in love and got married quite soon. Their life in search of the three elements they need for a spell that allows a man to know about his own second body, is told in the 1st, 3rd and 5th part of the novel: they need a verse written before the language itself was created, some water from the Spring of the Holy Mary and a special ring that changes in colors revealing if, their second body, will have Health, Happiness or Love after their death, since we can aim for just one of these gifts. But once they find the ring, it will turn to black: Green is for Health, Blue for Happiness, red for Love. Black is nothing.
In the last chapter the reader will discover what Author's second body has found after his death: it is told to an astonished and moved Elisabeth is a surprising way. Indeed, the final of this great novel which is a hymn to love and life, strikes the reader with the strength of a kiss on the neck and the last sentence is a lot stronger the simpler it is.

I have lived in two centuries, the 20th and the 21st century. In these two centuries I wrote two novels that I like the most: in the 20th century “Dictionary of the Khazars“, and in the 21st century “Second Body“ (published recently in Russia and sold in 15,000. copies during January 2007). The “Dictionary“ speaks about my search for three-faced truth in life and I started with it in my youth, about 1952. The “Second Body“ is my recent search for truth after death, because Jesus Christ had and promised to us the “second body“ after death. Both I imagined as religious novels. - Milorad Pavic about Second Body

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Second Body


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05/08/2019 17:20:08