Star Trek

Star Trek Keith R. A. DeCandido


Star Trek

A Singular Destiny

The cataclysmic events of Star Trek: Destiny have devastated known space. Worlds have fallen. Lives have been destroyed. And in the uneasy weeks that follow, the survivors of the holocaust continue to be tested to the limits of their endurance.

But strange and mysterious occurrences are destabilizing the galaxy's battle-weary Allies even further. In the Federation, efforts to replenish diminished resources and give succor to millions of evacuees are thwarted at every turn. On the borders of the battered Klingon Empire, the devious Kinshaya sense weakness -- and opportunity. In Romulan space, the already-fractured empire is dangerously close to civil war.

As events undermining the quadrant's attempts to heal itself become increasingly widespread, one man begins to understand what is truly unfolding. Sonek Pran -- teacher, diplomat, and sometime adviser to the Federation President -- perceives a pattern in the seeming randomness. And as each new piece of evidence falls into place, a disturbing picture encompassing half the galaxy begins to take shape...revealing a challenge to the Federation and its allies utterly unlike anything they have faced before.

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Star Trek


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Very Good!!! Keith is the man!
on 24/8/15

The Federation is not doing so well. A lot of refugees are trying to find planets to live because their homes not exist more. In the middle of all this, a professor, named Sonek Pran, is called to work for the federation as he used to do before. Now with his diplomatic skills, he will try to connect people and to solve a problem that ocurried with an explosion in a mine. Very good to practice your english and an interesting history that make you to think about what is happening in al... leia mais


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Alecio Miari
cadastrou em:
24/08/2015 09:42:15