
Strangers Dean Koontz...



“The plot twists engaging, often chilling book.”—The New York Times Book Review

A writer in California. A doctor in Boston. A motel owner and his employee in Nevada. A priest in Chicago. A robber in New York. A little girl in Las Vegas. They’re a handful of people from across the country, living through eerie variations of the same nightmare.

A dark memory is calling out to them. And soon they will be drawn together, deep in the heart of a sprawling desert, where the terrifying truth awaits...

A series of seemingly unrelated people experience sensations of numbing terror and fear and, groping their ways toward one another, discover their sinister, shared secrets in a climax that changes their lives forever

If you delight in the suspense of Stephen King and The Stranger by Harlan Coben chilled you to the bone (in the best possible way), you'll love Strangers - the classic thriller by Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author Dean Koontz. 'Not just a master of our darkest dreams but also a literary juggler' - The Times.

They were strangers.
A handful of people. From different backgrounds, living in different towns and cities across America, they had nothing in common - except fear.

They were victims.
Cold and stark, an unknown terror gripped their dreams and turned their days into living nightmares.

They were chosen.
And they could not escape. Deep in the heart of a sprawling desert, a dark memory called out to them, drawing them to the Tranquillity Motel - where the terrifying truth was waiting...

Koontz] is a great storyteller, and Strangers features a plot so original you'll be reading, with chills, well into the morning
New York Daily News
Koontz is a master at constructing vivid, eerily realistic worlds that hold readers spellbound. A memorable thriller
A unique spellbinder that captures the reader on the first page. Exciting, enjoyable, and an intensely satisfying read
Mary Higgins Clark
Dean Koontz has always boldly gone where no other fiction writer has even considered going before. As ever, the writing is fluid, the dynamic taut and the relationships between characters compulsive
The Times
Koontz's art is making the reader believe the impossible... sit back and enjoy it
Sunday Telegraph
In every industry there exist 'artists' that are not only unforgettable, but know their craft better than the rest. Dean Koontz... is among these artisans
Suspense Magazine
Dean Koontz is a prose stylist whose lyricism heightens malevolence and tension. [He creates] characters of unusual richness and depth
The Seattle Times
Tumbling, hallucinogenic prose.... 'Serious' writers... might do well to examine his technique
The New York Times Book Review
Lyrical writing and compelling characters... Koontz stands alone
Associated Press
[Koontz] has always had near-Dickensian powers of description, and an ability to yank us from one page to the next that few novelists can match.

Cinema / Drama / Ficção / Ficção científica / Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério

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cadastrou em:
02/07/2019 06:07:08
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08/05/2024 19:53:16