Taco Bout Love

Taco Bout Love Lily Kate


Taco Bout Love

My name is Lucas Donovan, and I’m a sucker for a great taco.

No, that’s not an innuendo, though I do like my women like I like my tacos: extra spicy. So when a brand new food truck rolls into our sleepy little town of Fantasie, Maine, I know I’m in trouble. I just don’t know how much trouble.

Things go downhill fast when I meet Chloe Brown, the sizzling hot and super sassy owner of Taco Bout Love who is as extra as guac. Then out of the blue, Chloe plops her huge purple eyesore of a truck in my designated parking spot. I’m sorely tempted to have her truck towed, and her right along with it.

Unfortunately, Chloe’s as fierce as a ghost pepper, and she’s not going down without a fight. Before I know it, the only thing I’m certain of is that this woman drives me crazy… in the best way possible. What’s more is that I’m beginning to think I just might miss her when she’s gone.

Suddenly, I can’t seem to keep my hands off Chloe Brown… or her tacos.

Chick-lit / Ficção / Romance

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Taco Bout Love


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Taco bout love é um romance que tem seus momentos bem fofos e divertidos, mas que de alguma maneira algo parece estar muito fora do lugar. o romance foi construído de forma devagar, até que estava simplesmente rápido demais. os personagens são legais e bem fáceis de gostar, mas não consegui curtir muito a narração em primeira pessoa. um bom livro no geral, mas infelizmente não se destacou muito comigo. Obrigada ao NetGalley e a autora pelo envio da arc em troca de uma resenha honesta.... leia mais


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Mirella | @readingmirella
cadastrou em:
01/02/2023 12:27:03
Mirella | @readingmirella
editou em:
01/02/2023 12:27:26