The 8-Hour Diet

The 8-Hour Diet David Zinczenko...


The 8-Hour Diet

A paradigm-shifting diet plan that allows you to eat anything you want, as much as you wantand still strip away 20, 40, 60 pounds, or more. After conducting extensive research at the Salk Institute and the National Institute on Aging, poring over copious amounts of new research in intermittent fasting, and engaging 2,000 people for a test panel, bestselling authors David Zinczenko and Peter Moore determined that people can lose remarkable amounts of weight eating the foods they like bestas long as they eat within a set 8-hour time period. Fasting is, of course, an ancient spiritual and health practice, but it's also a way to sidestep many of the ills of the modern worldincluding diabetes, heart disease, and cognitive impairment. Zinczenko and Moore demonstrate how simply observing this timed-eating strategy, even just three days a week, will reset your metabolism so that you can enter fat-burning mode first thing in the morningand stay there all day long. And by focusing on eight critical, nutrient-rich Powerfoods, you can build in a second layer of protection against Alzheimer's, heart disease, and even the common cold. In the book, you will find motivating strategies, delicious recipes, and an 8-minute workout routine to maximize calorie burn. The 8-Hour Diet promises to strip away unwanted pounds and give you the focus and willpower you need to reach your goals for weight loss and life.

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Pondo em pratica
on 29/1/24

Muito interessante os estudos e desenvolvimentos que o autor cita. Pessoalmente incorporando na minha rotina esses hábitos sem muita dificuldade, e me sentindo bem quando mantenho eles. Como um livro de dieta, o autor por vezes é um pouco apelativo na escrita, como o entusiasmo de um vendedor. Recomendo ler e fiquei muito contente com a indicação... leia mais


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João gregorio
cadastrou em:
13/10/2022 07:09:24