The AM Show

The AM Show T. B. Markinson


The AM Show

Would you give up your lifelong dream for a shot at everlasting love?

Amanda Morgan is a morning show host with a fierce reputation, but a bitter divorce has left her feeling all washed up. Being mistaken for a grandmother at her own son’s wedding has her teetering on the edge—until a stranger at the reception rocks her world.

Dakota Washington is a young reporter who is flabbergasted to meet her career idol—and biggest celebrity crush—at a friend’s out-of-town wedding. Their night together goes beyond her wildest fantasies. And she’s had a lot of them.

They were never meant to see each other again, until fate steps in, landing Dakota a job at Amanda’s network in New York City. Thanks to a draconian employment contract, the network could fire them on the spot for getting romantically involved. They agree to keep their distance and never breathe a word about their past.

Easy, right?

Except every time they’re alone for more than five minutes, they end up having sex. Soon, it’s obvious this is more than a fling, leaving them with an unthinkable choice: give up the careers they’ve poured their souls into or lose the love of a lifetime. Which one will be easier to walk away from?

If you enjoy scorching celebrity age-gap romance with a touch of heart, don’t miss the latest collaboration of Miranda MacLeod and TB Markinson.

LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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The AM Show


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on 19/10/21

A maior parte do livro foi uma leitura bem calma e tranquila. Eu amo a escrita das duas autoras, então nenhuma surpresa que o livro me pegou em cheio. E o jeito de contar a história foi tão fofo que foi fácil mergulhar de cabeça. As duas personagens são fáceis de gostar, mesmo sendo tão diferentes uma da outra. Tudo uma delícia. Até o final. Chegou no final, meu coração parecia mais que tava cavalgando um camelo enquanto tentava fugir pela minha garganta. Eu estava tão ansiosa para de... leia mais


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Mirielen Arantes
cadastrou em:
08/10/2021 13:18:35
Mirielen Arantes
editou em:
08/10/2021 13:19:43