The Belle and the Blackbird

The Belle and the Blackbird Sarah M. Cradit


The Belle and the Blackbird (The Book of All Things #7)

She'll break his heart to save it.
Sink into this alluring tale of a reclusive pubkeep and the dazzling, unattainable noble whose life is wrapped in a deadly mystery he can't resist solving.
Anastazja's cruel rejection leaves Tyreste shattered and clinging to desperate solitude. Oblivious to the malevolence that waits for her every night when she returns home, he finds it easier to believe she never loved him than to explore his fear that she's in serious trouble.
Behind the veil of Ana's seemingly charmed life, an ancient evil stalks her family's revered halls. Her cunning stepmother wields terrible threats against Ana's loved ones to coerce her into assisting in horrifying experiments against the Ravenwood priests and priestesses, longtime allies of Ana's family.
Tyr's love for Ana remains steadfast despite her abrupt departure from his life. To distract himself from his heartbreak, he immerses himself in work, translating a series of mysterious and chilling letters, only to find himself entangled in a harrowing mystery spanning generations.
A mystery that revolves around Ana's family.
The very same one consuming-and destroying-Ana, piece by piece.
For years, she has fought this war alone, exhausting all her resources against the wicked witch who holds her family hostage. She's out of tactics and, more importantly, time.
As the end draws near, she realizes the key to ending the witch's reign of terror might lie with the tavern boy who stole her heart. Her solitary light in endless years of darkness.
Only together can Anastazja and Tyreste end the terror that has gripped the north, and the Ravenwoods, for centuries.

The Belle and the Blackbird is a forbidden love fantasy romance Snow White & Rose Red retelling, featuring Tyreste and Anastazja, characters first introduced in The Altruist and the Assassin . It is the second story in the Guardians Cycle of The Book of All Things, but can also be enjoyed as a standalone.

Fantasia / Romance

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The Belle and the Blackbird


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The Raven and the Rush
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The Altruist and the Assassin
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cadastrou em:
10/09/2023 04:54:17
editou em:
10/09/2023 04:54:26