The Deck of Omens

The Deck of Omens Christine Lynn Herman


The Deck of Omens (The Devouring Gray #2)

Though the Beast is seemingly subdued for now, a new threat looms in Four Paths: a corruption seeping from the Gray into the forest. And with the other Founders preoccupied by their tangled alliances and fraying relationships, only May Hawthorne seems to realize the danger. But saving the town she loves means seeking aid from the person her family despises most--her and Justin's father.

May's father isn't the only newcomer in town--Isaac Sullivan's older brother has also returned, seeking forgiveness for the role he played in Isaac's troubled past. But Isaac isn't ready to let go of his family's history, especially when that history might hold the key that he and Violet Saunders need to destroy the Gray and the monster within it.

Harper Carlisle isn't ready to forgive, either. Two devastating betrayals have left her isolated from her family and uncertain who to trust. As the corruption becomes impossible to ignore, Harper must learn to control her newfound powers in order to protect Four Paths. But the only people who can help her do that are the ones who have hurt her the most.

With the veil between the Gray and the town growing ever thinner, the Founder descendants must put their grievances with one another aside to stop the corruption and kill the Beast once and for all.

But maybe the monster they truly need to slay has never been the Beast...

Fantasia / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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The Deck of Omens
The Deck of Omens


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The Devouring Gray
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Resenhas para The Deck of Omens (1)

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on 4/6/22

Meu Deus do céu, achei que não ia ser tão bom quanto o primeiro, que não tinha pra onde ir. Mas nossa senhora. To toda arrepiada com esse final. Foi o final perfeito, que eu sinceramente estava esperando desde que fiquei sabendo que a sequência ia ser publicada. Não me decepcionou em nada. Recomendo essa duologia pra todo mundo. Perfeito demais... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.3 / 4
ranking 25
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11/10/2019 10:12:44