The Hating Game

The Hating Game Sally Thorne


The Hating Game

NEMESIS [n] 1) A long-standing rival; an arch-enemy 2) A person's undoing 3) Joshua Templeman Lucy Hutton, baker-of-cakes, exemplary assistant and professional 'nice girl', is waging war. She's got the whole office on her side - except for tall, dark and charmless Joshua Templeman. He's been nothing but hostile since the moment they met and now it feels like nothing matters as much as taking him down. 'Charming, self-deprecating, quick-witted and funny.' The New York Times Trapped together under the fluorescent lights, they become entrenched in an addictive rivalry. There's the Staring Game, The Mirror Game, The HR Game. Lucy can't let Joshua beat her at anything, especially when a huge promotion comes up for grabs. 'A smart and funny modern romance.' Good Housekeeping Finally she's going to destroy the man she can't seem to get out of her office, the man she hates, the man who's taking up far too much space in her head. If Lucy wins, she'll be Joshua's boss. If she loses, she'll resign. The race is on - but the real games have only just begun . . . 'The next Sophie Kinsella.' Bustle **RT REVIEWERS CHOICE WINNER** **iBooks Best Romance 2016** **Amazon Pick Best Romance 2016**

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on 31/1/22

Estava a espera de um pouco mais mas também não sei ao certo do que Vi o filme primeiro então acabei por gostar mais de umas coisas do filme e outras do livro,o inicio ate a página 150 estava praticamente igual,o desenvolvimento foi completamente diferente o que mudou o resto,mas gostava muito que o final do livro fosse como do filme,sinto que as personagens se envolveram muito rápido e que depois enrolou muito,senti que foram 200 paginas que dava para cortar para 50 ou então ponham no... leia mais


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