The Haunting of Drearcliff Grange School

The Haunting of Drearcliff Grange School Kim Newman


The Haunting of Drearcliff Grange School (The Secrets of Drearcliff Grange School #2)

Of course, Drearcliff Grange School was haunted.

Amy Thomsett of the Fourth Form - the girl who flies on moth-wings - is confident she can solve any mystery, sleuth out any secret and defy any dark force. With her friends in the Moth Club, she has faced the unknown and become stronger. It seems to be her destiny to become a paladin, a defender of decency and a warrior for just causes.

Under the guidance of Miss Gossage, tutor to a class of Unusual Talents, Amy takes part in the Great Game, a contest of skill against other institutes of learning. In the London fog, the girls of Drearcliff Grange compete with the female felons of Lobelia Draycott's House of Reform and the privileged lads of St Cuthbert's School for the Sons of the Humble and Pious.

In a nightmare, and in the cellars of a house in Piccadilly, Amy glimpses a spectre who might have dogged her all her life.

For a paladin, ordinary ghosts are no worry.

But the Broken Doll is not an ordinary ghost.

Wherever the limping spectre is seen, terror strikes. And the lopsided, cracked-face, glass-eyed creature might well be the most serious threat the Moth Club have ever faced.

Wherever the limping spectre is seen, terror strikes. And the lopsided, cracked-face, glass-eyed creature seems bound to Amy - and bent on becoming the most serious threat the Moth Club have ever faced. Also, thanks to a new arrangement, certain classes and special activities will be shared with Drearcliff's sibling school, Chasemoor Grange Academy. So, halls already stalked by a dangerous apparition are to be invaded by other strange, alien, magical creatures... Boys.

For Amy, the adventures have only just begun.

Fantasia / Suspense e Mistério

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The Haunting of Drearcliff Grange School



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30/06/2018 18:13:52