The Hundred Years’ War

The Hundred Years’ War Captivating History


The Hundred Years’ War (Captivating History)

A Captivating Guide to the Conflicts Between the English House of Plantagenet and the French House o...

Knights and battles, princesses and castles, sieges and warrior prophets who lead the way to victory upon shining white horses: all of these feel like the stuff of myths and legends. Yet the story of the Hundred Years' War contains all of these things, and it is a story that is entirely true.

The story of this war is made fascinating by its setting, but it is made inspiring by its characters. Here is a blind king who rides to war for the opportunity to strike one last blow with his sword; here is a young prince, dressed all in black, who leads his father's men to victory; here are boy kings and fierce queens, prisoners who believe in honor, hailstorms that stop entire campaigns, and the wonderful story of a young peasant girl who changed the course of history forever.

The Hundred Years' War changed language, national identity, weaponry, and even the way that people think about war. It is part of the greater narrative of human history and gives a snapshot of how human nature can behave when pressed by the extremity of such a conflict—sometimes with unspeakable honor and courage and other times with cowardice, selfishness, and arrogance. There are many lessons to be learned from this war. Its tale is a cautionary one, but it is also a tale of adventure, battle, hope, and divine intervention. It's the tale of a war unlike any other.


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The Hundred Years’ War


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Boa introdução para não europeus
on 8/8/19

Consegui esse livro numa promoção e saiu 'grátis'. Óbvio que um 'livro' de 104 páginas sobre um período de 100 anos será muito introdutório. Mas tudo tem que ter um começo. E esse livro serve para isso. A partir dessa obra, li também sobre a vida de Joana d'Arc, no livro dessa série: "The Life of Joan of Arc" - nesse site avaliado também.... leia mais


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08/08/2019 10:08:34