The Lady of the Rivers

The Lady of the Rivers Philippa Gregory


The Lady of the Rivers

The Cousins' War, Book 3

Descended from Melusina, the river goddess, Jacquetta always has had the gift of second sight. As a child visiting her uncle, she met his prisoner, Joan of Arc, and saw her own power reflected in the young woman accused of witchcraft. They share the mystery of the tarot card of the wheel of fortune before Joan is taken to a horrific death at the hands of the English rulers of France. Jacquetta understands the danger for a woman who dares to dream.

Jacquetta is married to the Duke of Bedford, English regent of France, and he introduces her to a mysterious world of learning and alchemy. Her only friend in the great household is the duke's squire Richard Woodville, who is at her side when the duke's death leaves her a wealthy young widow. The two become lovers and marry in secret, returning to England to serve at the court of the young King Henry VI, where Jacquetta becomes a close and loyal friend to his new queen.

The Woodvilles soon achieve a place at the very heart of the Lancaster court, though Jacquetta can sense the growing threat from the people of England and the danger of royal rivals. Not even their courage and loyalty can keep the House of Lancaster on the throne. Henry the king slides into a mysterious sleep; Margaret the queen turns to untrustworthy favorites for help; and Richard, Duke of York, threatens to overturn the whole kingdom for his rival dynasty.

Jacquetta fights for her king, her queen, and for her daughter Elizabeth for whom Jacquetta can sense an extraordinary and unexpected future: a change of fortune, the throne of England, and the white rose of York.
A sweeping, powerful story rich in passion and legend and drawing on years of research, The Lady of the Rivers tells the story of the real-life mother of the white queen.

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The Lady of the Rivers
The Lady of the Rivers
The Lady of the Rivers
The Lady of the Rivers


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Wolf Hall

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"Perhaps you will be a great woman like Melusina, or Yolande, or like me. But you wil
on 27/1/18

Phillipa Gregory é uma mestra em ficção história. Adoro como ela escreve sobre períodos históricos do ponto de vista das mulheres marcantes da época, mesmo que poucas delas sejam de fato lembradas hoje, dando a elas voz e tornando-as protagonistas em uma época em que apenas os homens tinham esse direito. Como resultado, ela transforma esses personagens históricos em pessoas reais na mente do leitor, criando uma narrativa envolvente. Gosto muito que ela envolveu, principalmente na histó... leia mais


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09/02/2012 11:53:09