The Library at Night

The Library at Night Alberto Manguel


The Library at Night

Inspired by the process of creating a library for his fifteenth-century home near the Loire, in France, Alberto Manguel, the acclaimed writer on books and reading, has taken up the subject of libraries. “Libraries,” he says, “have always seemed to me pleasantly mad places, and for as long as I can remember I’ve been seduced by their labyrinthine logic.” In this personal, deliberately unsystematic, and wide-ranging book, he offers a captivating meditation on the meaning of libraries.
Manguel, a guide of irrepressible enthusiasm, conducts a unique library tour that extends from his childhood bookshelves to the “complete” libraries of the Internet, from Ancient Egypt and Greece to the Arab world, from China and Rome to Google. He ponders the doomed library of Alexandria as well as the personal libraries of Charles Dickens, Jorge Luis Borges, and others. He recounts stories of people who have struggled against tyranny to preserve freedom of thought—the Polish librarian who smuggled books to safety as the Nazis began their destruction of Jewish libraries; the Afghani bookseller who kept his store open through decades of unrest. Oral “memory libraries” kept alive by prisoners, libraries of banned books, the imaginary library of Count Dracula, the library of books never written—Manguel illuminates the mysteries of libraries as no other writer could. With scores of wonderful images throughout, The Library at Night is a fascinating voyage through Manguel’s mind, memory, and vast knowledge of books and civilizations.

História / Literatura Estrangeira

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The Library at Night


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on 12/11/20

Li em sequencia vários livros do Manguel esse ano, mas chamo a atenção para dois que são perfeitamente complementares (deveriam ser lidos num único volume até!) "A Biblioteca à Noite" usa como mote o trabalho de Manguel em organizar sua biblioteca após se mudar para a França para expandir o tema para bibliotecas de uma maneira geral - e o papel que elas têm na sociedade e na História. É o mesmo padrão seguido em "Packing my Library", só que no caminho inverso, com o autor encaixotan... leia mais


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28/11/2014 10:09:35