The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, first published late in 1893 with 1894 date.[1] It was the second collection featuring the consulting detective Sherlock Holmes, following The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Like the first it was illustrated by Sidney Paget.

The twelve stories were originally published in The Strand Magazine from December 1892 to December 1893 as The Adventures number 13 to 24. For instance, "The Final Problem" was published under the subheading "XXIV.—The Adventure of the Final Problem."[2]

Doyle determined that these would be the last Holmes stories, and intended to kill off the character in "The Final Problem". Reader demand stimulated him to write another Holmes novel in 1901–1902, The Hound of the Baskervilles, set before "The Final Problem". Next year a new series, The Return of Sherlock Holmes, begins with the aftermath of "The Final Problem", in which it is revealed that Holmes actually survived.

Contos / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance policial / Crime / Ficção

Edições (18)

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Memórias de Sherlock Holmes
Memórias de Sherlock Holmes
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
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Memórias de Sherlock Holmes
on 31/10/21

Se trata de contos, que narram os casos de Sherlock Holmes, pelo ponto de vista de Watson. Estou um pouco saturado do Sir Arthur... por isso esses contos não me chamaram a atenção. Esses contos, ao menos em sua grande maioria, se sustentam pela carisma de Holmes e Watson. O ?Problema Final? tem um plot diferente, mas após tudo que o autor mostrou de Sherlock Holmes... o desfecho não foi coerente. Não deixa de ser uma boa leitura, mas sendo sincero... é um livro para cumprir tab... leia mais


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30/08/2019 11:08:11