The Miracle of Right Thought

The Miracle of Right Thought Orison Swett Marden


The Miracle of Right Thought

The author believes that there is no habit which will bring so much of value to the life as that of always carrying an optimistic, hopeful attitude of really expecting that things are going to turn out well with us and not ill, that we are going to succeed and not fail, are going to be happy and not miserable.
He points out that most people neutralize a large part of their efforts because their men- tal attitude does not correspond with their endeavor, so that although working for one thing, they are really expecting something else, and what we expect, we tend to get; that there is no philosophy or science by which an individual can arrive at the success goal when they are facing the other way, when every step they take is on the road to failure, when they talk like a failure, act like a failure, for prosperity begins in the mind and is impossible while the mental attitude is hostile to it.
No one can become prosperous while they really expect or half expect to be always poor, for holding the poverty-thought keeps them in touch with poverty-producing con- ditions.
The author tries to show the person who has been groping blindly after a mysterious, misunderstood God, thought to dwell in some far-off realm, that God is right inside of them, nearer to them than hands and feet, closer than their heartbeat or breath, and that they literally live, move, and have their being in Him; that man is mighty or weak, successful or unsuccessful, harmonious or discordant, in proportion to the complete- ness of his conscious oneness with the Power that made him, heals his wounds and hurts, and sustains him every minute of his existence; that there is but one creative prin- ciple running through the universe, one life, one truth, one reality; that this power is di- vinely beneficent, that we are a necessary, inseparable part of this great principle- current which is running God-ward.
The book teaches that everybody ought to be happier than the happiest of us are now; that our lives were intended to be infinitely richer and more abundant than at present; that we should have plenty of everything which is good for us; that the lack of anything which is really necessary and desirable does not fit the constitution of any right-living human being, and that we shorten our lives very materially through our own false think- ing, our bad living, and our old-age convictions, and that to be happy and attain the highest efficiency, one must harmonize with the best, the highest thing in them.


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The Miracle of Right Thought



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03/07/2020 16:01:53
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03/07/2020 16:18:45