The Night Season

The Night Season Chelsea Cain


The Night Season

With Beauty Killer Gretchen Lowell locked away behind bars once again, Portland detective Archie Sheridan can finally rest. Meanwhile, the city of Portland is in crisis. Several people have drowned in heavy rains that have flooded the Willamette River. But the medical examiner discovers that in fact the latest victim was poisoned before she went into the water—she didn’t drown. A little detective work shows that so far three of those previously thought to be accidental drownings have actually been murdered. Portland has a new serial killer on its hands, and Archie and his task force have a new case. Meanwhile reporter Susan Ward is following up on an entirely separate mystery: the dramatic flooding has unearthed a skeleton, a man who might have died during catastrophic flooding more than sixty years ago that washed away an entire neighborhood and killed at least 15 people.

As Archie follows the bizarre trail of evidence and evil deeds to catch his killer, he has to battle the rising waters of the Willamette first.

The Night Season - Chelsea Cain

Suspense e Mistério

Edições (3)

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The Night Season
The Night Season
The Night Season


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E a Gretchen Lowell? Não aparece?
on 22/5/13

Com a serial killer Gretchen Lowell na prisão, o detective Archie Sheridan pode se concentrar em outros assuntos. O Rio Willamette, em Portland, ameaça transbordar, em sua pior cheia desde 1948. E quando um corpo de uma mulher é encontrado num carrossel de um parque de diversões, Archie pensa que é apenas mais um caso de afogamento, até que o legista descobre uma marca de picada de agulha, que leva em seguida a uma toxina letal que só é encontrada nos tentáculos de uma espécie rar... leia mais


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ranking 32
ranking 38
ranking 26
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ranking 2



cadastrou em:
01/02/2012 19:49:42

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