The Nymph Prince

The Nymph Prince Jaclyn Osborn


The Nymph Prince (Tales of Fate #2)

Spoiled, arrogant, and reckless. It's a miracle Lorcan had survived so long. As a nymph, he was rare. As crowned prince and the son of a god? He was a treasure unlike any other. That never stopped him from putting himself in danger and fighting against his duties by leaving the golden palace beneath the sea, though. In search of him. A pirate who'd long since captured his attention. Possibly his heart.

Alek didn't choose his life of secrecy and pain. Magic was considered a great evil and anyone found with mage blood was killed. Abandoned after his town was destroyed, he was left alone and starving in the streets. Until the captain of a legendary pirate ship found him and gave him not only a purpose in his life, but also a home. That home was gone now.

When Lorcan finds Alek, wounded and breathing his final breaths after a sea battle, he does the only thing he can: carries the pirate away from the destruction and stays with him so he doesn't die alone. But Lorcan soon realizes that the pirate was more powerful than he ever imagined. Even for a mage.

With both men on the run from bounty hunters and rogues of the sea, the two journey to Lorcan's underwater kingdom. Beneath the waves, their strong connection grows even stronger and their lust intensifies. Alek finds the nymph to be sarcastic and spoiled, and Lorcan finds the mage to be secretive and stubborn, yet their hearts have never felt more whole. Just as they're tearing down the wall between them, the reveal of a dark destiny threatens to rip them apart. A war is coming and decisions—and sacrifices—must be made.
Can two souls brought together by fate weather the storm?

*The Nymph Prince is a 125k word gay fantasy romance and is Book 2 in the Tales of Fate series. Mermen, magic, adventure, and a guaranteed HEA. While it can be read as a standalone, it's best to read the books in order to fully understand and appreciate the story.*

Fantasia / LGBT / GLS / Romance

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The Nymph Prince


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on 29/12/22

O início desse livro está ligado aos acontecimentos do primeiro e já começa acelerado. São várias informações e nós entramos no mundo dos tritões. Eu não consegui largar o livro em nenhum momento. Previsava de respostas kkkk É uma mistura de ação, magia, romance e ameaça de guerra o tempo todo. Adoro o casal. Eles lutaram muito para ficarem juntos. Estou ansiosa pelo próximo.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
15/07/2020 11:40:51
editou em:
15/07/2020 11:41:12