The Peanuts Collection: Treasures from the World

The Peanuts Collection: Treasures from the World's Most Beloved Comic Strip Charles M. Schulz


The Peanuts Collection: Treasures from the World's Most Beloved Comic Strip

This fully authorized, one-of-a-kind illustrated book celebrates the 60th anniversary of the world's most beloved comic strip characters. A compendium of rare materials from the Charles M. Schulz Museum and family archives, The Peanuts Collection comes in a sturdy slipcase and features high-quality reproductions of original sketches, comics, and photographs from the world of Peanuts. Removable film cels, stickers, and booklets are included, as well as reproduction prints of Peanuts artwork ready for framing. Written by Peanuts aficionado Nat Gertler, with quotes from Schulz family members and a foreword by daughter Amy Schulz Johnson, the text offers insight into the making of the comic strip and its impact beyond the realms of newspapers and books to film, television, and popular culture. The Peanuts Collection is a must-own keepsake for anyone who loves Snoopy and the gang. |...| [Editorial Reviews] The first Charles M. Schulz's Peanuts cartoon ran sixty years ago; October 2nd, 1950, to be exact. Since then, Peanuts fans have been savoring every tidbit of Charlie Brown and Lucy wisdom and memorabilia. The truly unique collection features high-quality reproductions of Peanuts items that even diehard aficionados have never seen: sketches, comics, and photographs; removable features including film cells, stickers, and artwork suitable for framing. For Peanuts fans, this oversized, slip-cased hardcover is the gift of the season. |...| [Publishers Weekly] This slipcased, scrapbook-style homage to Charles M. Schulz's Peanuts commemorates the comic strip's 60th anniversary. Mined from the Schulz museum and family archives, photographs, booklets, prints, and removable reproductions (such as a Peanuts-themed "scrapbook" for the Ford Falcon) document the evolution of characters like Charlie Brown, Lucy, and Snoopy. The volume of merchandise on display makes evident the comic's cultural influence, but readers may be surprised to learn of the comic's social impact: a 1968 letter (included as a reproduction) implores Schulz to diversify the cast: "It occurred to me today that the introduction of Negro children... could happen with a minimum of impact" (Schulz then introduced Franklin). And following the publication of Silent Spring in 1962, Lucy mentions that her baseball bat is signed by Rachel Carson. Discussions of Schulz's 2000 death and Peanuts themes like "unrequited love" may bring a tear to the eyes of steadfast fans. The comic's spirit of quiet wisdom resonates through the carefully compiled memorabilia. (Oct.) |...| [The Christian Science Monitor]
"A gold mine of Peanuts memorabilia and removable inserts." |...| [Deseret News]
"From the high-quality reproductions of original sketches, comics and photographs to the removable film cells, stickers and booklets, the attention to detail is impressive. There are even reproduction prints of Peanuts artwork ready for framing. . . . . With quotes from the Schulz family and elements from throughout Peanuts' 60 years, this interactive book is one that fans new and old won't want to put down."

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The Peanuts Collection: Treasures from the World



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09/12/2010 22:42:38