The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde


The Picture of Dorian Gray (Legend Classics)

“The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.”
Initially met with controversy and censorship, The Picture of Dorian Gray is the only novel by the incomparable Oscar Wilde. It is bursting with his trademark wit, his love of art, and his embrace of life and all it has to offer.

Dorian, fearful of age and the subsequent fading of his beauty, expresses a wish: that a glorious oil portrait of him suffers the burden of age, and not him. He would sell his soul for it. Unfortunately for him, the wish is granted.

Through Dorian, Oscar Wilde weaves an unforgettable tale about the punishment of excess and misplaced desire.

Told in an exquisite blend of the Gothic and the philosophical, this fable about our obsession with the aesthetic unravels a horrifying truth: it is not if, but when and where our sins will manifest.

Romance / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (102)

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O Retrato de Dorian Gray
O retrato de Dorian Gray
O retrato de Dorian Gray
O retrato de Dorian Gray


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Os Melhores Contos de Oscar Wilde
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Um emaranhado de verdades, que teimamos em não enxergar...
on 2/6/09

Fascínio! É a única palavra que me vem a mente quando me recordo da leitura de Dorian Gray. Como tudo na vida, o que nos é proibido, é gostoso, tentadoramente irresístivel. E Henry Wotton vem desmistificar para Dorian Gray, o pecado em toda a sua glória. Todos os desejos reprimidos, pensamentos ocultados sob o véu do medo e da moralidade, Henry expulsa com ideias totalmente insanas. Para ele, o que vale realmente é o agora, enquanto, somos jovens e belos, e possuímos o mundo a nossos p... leia mais

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Avaliações 4.2 / 48.799
ranking 51
ranking 33
ranking 13
ranking 2
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
22/10/2022 14:30:46
editou em:
22/10/2022 14:31:04