The Prince, the Cook and the Cunning King

The Prince, the Cook and the Cunning King Terry Deary


The Prince, the Cook and the Cunning King (Tudor Tales)

From the bestselling author of Horrible Histories... King Henry VII is a mean and ruthless king and when a young boy named Lambert Simnel lays claim to the throne, Henry is furious. Lambert is no match for the powerful king can he escape the extraordinary punishment he faces? Terry Deary's Tudor Tales explore the infamous world of the Tudors through the eyes of children who could have lived at the time. These stories feature real people and take place in some of the most recognisable Tudor settings. This new edition features notes for the reader to help extend learning and exploration of the historical period.

The Tudor Tales books are pacy, funny stories, full of the subversive wit and sharp observations which makes Terry Deary's bestselling non-fiction so appealing. Plus … readers will relish the darkly authentic Tudor settings. Each story follows the fate of a young child who could have existed in Tudor times and often involve real historical events, and often real personalities. Each book features one of the main Tudor monarchs, including Henry VII, Henry VIII, Mary I and Elizabeth I. Many of the sites featured in the stories can be visited today: the Globe Theatre, Hampton Court Palace, Hardwick Hall and Surtees House. Perfect as springboards for further study of the Tudors, as well as being brilliant books for an age-group that is hungry for imaginative, innovative stories.

[About the Author]: Terry Deary has authored more than 400 children's books. Some of his books have even been made into cartoons. Terry is also a professional actor and has performed in his own plays. He lives in County Durham, England, United Kingdom.

Aventura / Drama / Educação / Entretenimento / Ficção / História / História Geral / Infantil / Infantojuvenil / Literatura Estrangeira / Não-ficção

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The Prince, the Cook and the Cunning King


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