The Sandman Vol. 3

The Sandman Vol. 3 Neil Gaiman


The Sandman Vol. 3 (Dream Country)

The third book of the Sandman collection is a series of four short comic book stories. What's remarkable here (considering the publisher and the time that this was originally published) is that the main character of the book--the Sandman, King of Dreams--serves only as a minor character in each of these otherwise unrelated stories. (Actually, he's not even in the last story.) This signaled a couple of important things in the development of what is considered one of the great comics of the second half of the century. First, it marked a distinct move away from the horror genre and into a more fantasy-rich, classical mythology-laden environment. And secondly, it solidly cemented Neil Gaiman as a storyteller. One of the stories here, "A Midsummer Night's Dream," took home the World Fantasy Award for best short story--the first time a comic was given that honor. But for my money, another story in Dream Country has it beat hands down. "A Dream of a Thousand Cats" has such hope, beauty, and good old-fashioned chills that rereading it becomes a welcome pleasure.

HQ, comics, mangá

Edições (2)

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The Sandman Vol. 3
The Sandman: Dream Country


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The Sandman, Vol. 1
The Sandman The Doll
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on 6/4/16

Entre um ato e outro de uma peça ou uma ópera, por vezes o teatro apresentava pequenas esquetes ou números musicais - uma forma de manter o público entretido no intervalo necessário à mudança de cenários e trajes. Embora seja um costume que tenha caído em desuso, o entreatos foi incorporado de forma satisfatória na tradição shakesperiana no que chamamos de peça dentro de uma peça: é o que ocorre, por exemplo, em Sonho de Uma Noite de Verão e A Megera Domada. Terra dos Sonhos, o tercei... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.4 / 52
ranking 60
ranking 27
ranking 12
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cadastrou em:
04/01/2015 00:11:10
editou em:
02/08/2021 20:25:19

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