The Science of Discworld: The Science of Discworld I

The Science of Discworld: The Science of Discworld I Terry Pratchett


The Science of Discworld: The Science of Discworld I

A novel

Not just another science book and not just another Discworld novella, The Science of Discworld is a creative, mind-bending mash-up of fiction and fact, that offers a wizard’s-eye view of our world that will forever change how you look at the universe.

Can Unseen University’s eccentric wizards and orangutan Librarian possibly shed any useful light on hard, rational Earthly science?

In the course of an exciting experiment, the wizards of Discworld have accidentally created a new universe. Within this universe is a planet that they name Roundworld. Roundworld is, of course, Earth, and the universe is our own. As the wizards watch their creation grow, Terry Pratchett and acclaimed science writers Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen use Discworld to examine science from the outside. Interwoven with the Pratchett’s original story are entertaining, enlightening chapters which explain key scientific principles such as the Big Bang theory and the evolution of life on earth, as well as great moments in the history of science.

Aventura / Fantasia / Ficção / Humor, Comédia

Edições (2)

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The Science of Discworld: The Science of Discworld I
The Science of Discworld


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Resenhas para The Science of Discworld: The Science of Discworld I (1)

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Quanto melhor os primatas se tornam em responder essas questões, mais desconcertante
on 28/1/14

Então, que, como em todos os outros anos há já um bom par de anos... comecei minhas leituras de 2014 por Pratchett – dessa feita com um ‘spin-off’ da série Discworld, escrita em parceria com Ian Stewart e Jack Cohen. Até pensei de ler Raising Steam para começar aqui, mas acho que vou deixar o quadragésimo volume da série Discworld para um pouco mais adiante já que esse chegou primeiro... De todo jeito, continuemos com nossa tradição... Tudo começa com um experimento dos magos da ... leia mais


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Srta. Oliver
cadastrou em:
07/03/2016 13:54:45