The Secret Bridesmaid

The Secret Bridesmaid Katy Birchall


The Secret Bridesmaid

Sophie Breeze is a brilliant bridesmaid. So brilliant, in fact, that she’s made it her full-time job.

As a professional bridesmaid, Sophie is hired by London brides to be their right-hand woman, posing as a friend but working behind the scenes to help plan the perfect wedding and ensure their big day goes off without a hitch. When she’s hired by Lady Victoria Swann––a former model and “It Girl" of 1970’s London; now the Marchioness of Meade––for the society wedding of the year, it should be a chance for Sophie to prove just how talented she is.

Of course, it’s not ideal that the bride, Lady Victoria’s daughter, Cordelia, is an absolute diva and determined to make Sophie’s life a nightmare. It’s also a bit inconvenient that Sophie finds herself drawn to Cordelia’s posh older brother, who is absolutely off limits. But when a rival society wedding is announced for the very same day, things start to get…well, complicated.

Can Sophie pull off the biggest challenge of her career––execute a high-profile gala for four hundred and fifty guests in record time, win over a reluctant bride, and catch the eye of handsome Lord Swann––all while keeping her true identity a secret, and her dignity intact?

Heartwarming and hilarious, Katy Birchall's The Secret Bridesmaid celebrates the joys (and foibles) of weddings, the nuances of female friendship, and the redeeming power of love in its many unexpected forms.

Edições (2)

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The Secret Bridesmaid
The Secret Bridesmaid


Resenhas para The Secret Bridesmaid (2)

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Bem divertido
on 3/6/21

O livro é muito bom! Um chick lit bem gostoso de ler, acompanhar a Sophie e os vários momentos engraçados foi muito bom mesmo, achei o livro bem escrito e me fez lembrar um pouco dos livros da Sophie Kinsella e me fez lembrar porque amo tanto esse gênero, enfim se você está procurando um livro leve e divertido super recomendo! Achei o inglês bem fácil de entender e a escrita bem fruída, enfim gostei bastante... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 10
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Ana Alice Andrade
cadastrou em:
04/05/2021 09:21:35
Ana Alice Andrade
editou em:
04/05/2021 09:22:00