The Tracker

The Tracker Leslie Georgeson


The Tracker

A 2018 TopShelf Indie Book Awards nominee! THE DREGS: Feared by most. Hated by others. Envied by none. Always hunted, they live in the shadows. Once powerful warriors, they are now the dregs. In a city overrun by gang violence, can these former soldiers overcome their violent pasts, dispel the stigma surrounding them, and learn to fall in love? ----- The Tracker: I'm a trained killer. An expert tracker. I've done despicable things. My soul is damaged. My body impaired. That's what happens when you are a soldier for The Company. I was discharged a year ago. Now I am a dreg. Worthless. With a bounty on my head. I've become a creature of the night, hiding in an underground maze during the day. Because I'm not ready to die yet. She comes to me one night, needing my help to find her sister. The moment I see her, I want her. Her goodness calls to me, makes me yearn for the impossible. She brings life back to the deadness inside me. I'm no good for her. I will do nothing but corrupt her. But I'm a callous bastard. I can't resist her. I try not to care for her, but somehow she slips under my skin. She makes me weak. And there is only one thing in this world I am afraid of. Weakness. I'll never be good enough for her, so I have to finish this job and send her on her way. Before she destroys me. This is an 8-book series. These books are romantic suspense with sci-fi elements. Each contains a separate romance with an HEA (and no cliffhangers!) However, it is recommended that they be read in order to get the full "dreg" experience. These books contain strong language and adult situations. Recommended for readers ages 18 and up.

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João gregorio
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12/09/2022 08:02:45