This Time Love

This Time Love Elizabeth Lowell


This Time Love

Whether she's creating incomparable stories of passion and redemption or breathtaking tales of romantic suspense, there is simply no finer storyteller at work today than the phenomenal New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Lowell. Joy Anderson was innocent, young, and trusting when she met Gabe Venture. An aspiring journalist with worlds to conquer, Gabe came to New Mexico to explore the natural wonders of Lost River Cave, with Joy acting as his guide. Surrounded by staggering beauty, they both surrendered to a passion too powerful to deny-and Joy gave herself freely to the most extraordinary man she had ever known. But Gabe was destined for great things, and even the intensity of their shared feelings could not bind him to this place or this romance. And so he left Joy with memories, a broken heart . . . and, months later, a cherished, if painful, reminder of their lost love: a daughter. Seven years have passed, and Joynow a respected professorhas put what once was behind her, though the memory will always remain alive in the light that shines in the eyes of her beautiful child. Now Gabe, at the pinnacle of his profession, having tasted the fame and adventure that lured him away, has returned. The opportunity to revisit the endangered Lost River Caveand a second chance at the young love he so heedlessly tossed awayis something he cannot let slip by. But the Joy awaiting him is not the same naive and eager innocent he once left behind. Worldly and independent, she has nursed her wounds and moved on. And he has arrived far too late, she tells him, to be welcomed back into her heart. But is it ever too late for love? Fresh and alive with rich, bold emotion, Elizabeth Lowell's classic love story shines anew, proving once and for all that an already accomplished novel of poignancy and power can be remade into something truly remarkable through the deft and loving touch of a master.

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15/06/2021 04:37:03