To Hunt the Hunter

To Hunt the Hunter Emma V. Leech


To Hunt the Hunter (Girls Who Dare #11)

Girls who dare – Inside every wallflower is the beating heart of a lioness, a passionate individual willing to risk all for their dream, if only they can find the courage to begin. When these overlooked girls make a pact to change their lives, anything can happen.

Eleven girls – Eleven dares in a hat. Twelve passionate stories. Who will dare to risk it all?

To Hunt the Hunter

A doomed love affair…
Matilda Hunt knows what the Marquess of Montagu wants. He has made no secret of the fact that he desires her and wants her for his mistress. Despite the growing strength of the attraction between them, Matilda has fought to keep him at a distance, fought to deny what is becoming increasingly inevitable. As her last hope for a respectable future is taken from her, a future of security, love and family, it seems the man who ruined her offers Matilda the only chance to find some measure of happiness, no matter how fleeting.

A dangerous man …
Yet as her determination to keep her honour intact wavers, she is drawn deeper into Montagu’s world and discovers a man with secrets, a man who is not all she had supposed him to be. That world is tangled with lies and deception and is more dangerous than she could have believed, and not only to her heart.

A dare she cannot refuse …
To have all that she wants, Matilda must dare to risk it all for love and hunt out the truth of the man she cannot bring herself to walk away from.

As more and more people warn her the marquess is ruthless and cruel, Matilda wonders if she truly is a fool not to believe it. Angel, devil…
or a little bit of both.


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To Hunt the Hunter


Resenhas para To Hunt the Hunter (3)

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on 1/11/20

Essa série tem alguns livros melhores que outros, mas eu li todos esperando ansiosamente por essa história. Quando cheguei nele estava com expectativas super altas. Foi perfeito? Não! Mas valeu muito a pena a leitura! A história da Matilda e do Montagu foi digna de coração quentinho!... leia mais


Avaliações 4.5 / 27
ranking 70
ranking 26
ranking 4
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cadastrou em:
28/09/2020 21:18:01
editou em:
28/09/2020 21:18:25

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