To Selena, with Love

To Selena, with Love Chris Perez


To Selena, with Love

One of the most compelling and adored superstars in Latin music history, Selena was nothing short of a phenomenon who shared all of herself with her millions of devoted fans. Her tragic murder, at the young age of twenty-three, stripped the world of her talent and boundless potential, her tightly knit family of their beloved angel, and her husband, Chris Perez, of the greatest love he had ever known.

For over a decade, Chris held on to the only personal thing he had left from his late wife: the touching and sometimes painful memories of their very private bond. Now, for the first time, Chris opens up about their unbreakable friendship, forbidden relationship, and blossoming marriage, which were cut short by Selena’s unforgivable death.

Chris’s powerful story gives a rare glimpse into Selena’s sincerity and vulnerability when falling in love, strength and conviction when fighting for that love, and absolute resilience when finding peace and normalcy with her family’s acceptance of the only man she called her husband. While showcasing a side of Selena that has never been disclosed before and clarifying certain misconceptions about her life and death, To Selena, with Love is an everlasting love story that immortalizes the heart and soul of an extraordinary, unforgettable, and irreplaceable icon.

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To Selena, with Love


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on 15/7/21

"The impossible is always possible.? Um tributo a real Selena, além da que está eternizada através das músicas que marcam gerações, do talento e energia contagiante, de incomparável voz e beleza, essa leitura nos leva a conhecer quem era a mulher por trás dos holofotes: a filha que colocava a família em primeiro lugar, que amava os animais e que planejava construir uma vida ao lado do seu marido, como qualquer outra pessoa. Não há dúvidas que Selena sempre será lembrada, não somente p... leia mais


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04/01/2013 18:03:30