Unwrapping Holly

Unwrapping Holly Krista Wolf


Unwrapping Holly

A Holiday Reverse Harem Romance

It’s my one unwritten rule: I don’t date clients. But when three incredibly gorgeous men ask me out on three separate dates, right before Christmas?

Staying off Santa’s naughty list just became a lot harder.

Dumped just weeks before Christmas, personal shopper Holly doesn't feel so merry. But when she takes on a trio of gorgeous new clients, all looking to avoid the holiday rush? Things might be VERY jolly after all.

A Texas transplant in New York City, Holly loves being surrounded by the beauty and enchantment of the holidays. But when temptation strikes in the form of three hunky clients, all hellbent on taking her on the most romantic of all Christmas dates? A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

Enter Brody, lithe and strong, a motorcycle-driving blond with an insatiable libido. Paired with Holly's ripped personal trainer Donovan - the envy of her gym - and the tall, dark, handsome CEO of his own company, Lincoln Wallace? All three men give Holly a whirlwind weekend that could utterly wipe out any memory of her recent breakup with Malcolm.

But Christmas is coming, and with it a decision. Can Holly actually choose between her three amazing suitors, each fully aware of the others? Or will a butterfly-inducing idea - that of willingly sharing her between them - turn a friendly little holiday competition into more of a steamy, indescribably hot, cooperative effort?

Three powerful men... one incredible woman. No jealousy, no limits, nothing but gut-churning, heart-pounding, sensuously-charged excitement sure to give Holly the most legendary holiday season ever! Can her three amazing lovers fulfill the ultimate in white-hot fantasy Christmas wishes? Or will everyone wake up Xmas morning with coal in their stockings?

Erótico / Romance

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Unwrapping Holly


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O Brinquedo de Natal: Um Romance de Harém

Resenhas para Unwrapping Holly (3)

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Que natal em
on 1/1/22

Holly passa do paraíso para o inferno e novamente o paraíso, Perdeu sua promoção na empresa por causa do ex namorado babaca, perdeu seu carro,sem falar que estava naquela semana infernal,no meio de tudo isso chega a época de natal (Holly trabalha fazendo compras de natal para seus clientes vips) ela acabou saindo com um colega de faculdade,com seu instrutor de treino e pra fechar a semana super bem saiu com seu melhor cliente. Primeiro individualmente, depois de uma pequena confusão co... leia mais


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ranking 40
ranking 40
ranking 10
ranking 5



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cadastrou em:
22/11/2019 08:15:48
editou em:
02/12/2020 17:39:44