Witches at the Wedding

Witches at the Wedding Jamie Vougeot...


Witches at the Wedding

"I can't tell you how much I laughed." A body in a barn. A secret from the past. Wedding plans can be murder... Reverend Annabelle Dixon is back! A vicar with a taste for sweets and a nose for crime, Annabelle seems doggedly distracted from her impending wedding to Inspector Nicholls. Much to the dismay of her wedding organizer, Philippa. So when a visiting priest stumbles over a corpse in a cow barn, Annabelle is all too eager to investigate. But when an ancient journal links the victim to a travesty from the past, Annabelle wonders if she's in over her head. Meanwhile, the inspector has his hands full with potential suspects... And a troubling lack of clues. Disgruntled laborers, absent relatives, a group of sinister travelers... The list of possible killers seems endless. But when someone burns down Annabelle and Mike's wedding marquee days before the ceremony, they find themselves in a race against time. Can Annabelle solve this disturbing crime, and banish her wedding day jitters once and for all, before it's too late? Witches at the Wedding is the eighth in a furiously fast-paced, funny new series featuring a young female vicar whose passion and dedication to her parish are matched only by her weakness for cake. If you like quirky characters, clever puzzles, and a touch of sweet romance, then you'll love Alison Golden's deliciously addictive storytelling. **This series of books are clean cozy mysteries that contain no swearing or graphic descriptions of violence or bedroom activities. There are even recipes in the back!** "So good! Just the most wonderful ending for this series." Praise for the Reverend Annabelle Dixon cozy mystery series: "Too funny." "Your descriptions of even the most commonplace are beautiful." "Couldn't put it down and yes, I cried." Books in the Reverend Annabelle Dixon cozy mystery series: Death at the Cafe Murder at the Mansion Body in the Woods Grave in the Garage Horror in the Highlands Killer at the Cult Fireworks in France Witches at the Wedding Buy Witches at the Wedding today because you need a lift. Prepare to laugh.

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