With Visions of Red

With Visions of Red Trisha Wolfe


With Visions of Red (Broken Bonds #1)

Broken Bonds One

"Trisha Wolfe does scare me in her ability to slip inside a psycho's head. This is just a testament of her talent." ~Tanya, GR

From USA Today best-selling author Trisha Wolfe comes a dark romance with a killer twist.

I know blood.
I know killers.
As a criminal profiler, my affair with the gruesome world began long before I investigated gory crime scenes.
I get inside the killers’ heads, I break them down. It’s safer to align myself with the villain rather than the victim…because I refuse to ever be a victim again.

I feel safe—until one ruthless serial killer gets inside my head, turning the tables.

He knows my secrets. My obsessions. The darkest, most deviant part of my soul that I keep hidden. And when I meet Colton Reed, I become undone. He pushes my boundaries, forcing me to face the side of myself I fear.

She’s a goddess—my goddess. From the moment I first saw her in my club, I had to get close to her, I had to know everything about her. But Sadie keeps her walls high, refusing to let me in. One tightly bound loop of my rope could tether us together, or we could unravel with the slip of the knot.

I want her, and I’ll stop at nothing to make her mine, even if I have to prove I’m not the villain of her nightmares to make that happen.

Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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With Visions of Red


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Uma excelente surpresa!
on 2/11/22

Não me recordo de ter lido algo dessa autora, mas com certeza esse livro foi uma ótima surpresa, principalmente como primeira impressão do estilo de escrita da Trisha. O livro é uma mistura muito bem equilibrada de vários temas: o primeiro núcleo trata do aspecto profissional. Temos uma mocinha com um passado sombrio (que vagamente nos é mostrado logo no início da trama) que atualmente trabalha como profiler - profissionais nos EUA que atuam com a análise comportamental de assassinos ... leia mais


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editou em:
06/12/2022 22:40:39