Wrapped In Holly

Wrapped In Holly Elyse Kelly


Wrapped In Holly (The Naughty List #08)

Ten years later and my heart’s broken all over again. Merry f*cking Christmas to me.

It’s no secret I hate the holidays, and those who know me understand why. But this year, I’m really being a Scrooge when I get booked at the last minute to coordinate stunts for some sappy, feel-good romance movie.

There goes my plans for Christmas break.

And just when I didn’t think it could get any worse, Hailey Walker struts on set. I still remember the day she walked out of my life and took my heart with her. And I’ve loved her every day since.

I shouldn’t have let her go back then, and I’m not letting her go now. Whatever I have to do, I will convince her to stay this time.

Assuming she can handle the secret I’ve been keeping all the years…

WRAPPED IN HOLLY is a lighthearted, fast-paced, holiday rom-com with all the feels and an HEA. And there’s plenty of spice in this second-chance, interracial shorty to keep you toasty warm on a chilly night.

Eight of your favorite authors are putting the "Naughty" into "The Naughty List."

When the cast and crew are summoned to Heart and Soul studios to film a last-minute Christmas movie The Naughty List, the mood is more bah, humbug than merry and bright.

But when the lights illuminate and the camera rolls, the action on set transforms from frosty to steamy faster than Santa can empty his sack down the chimney.

As Christmas Eve approaches, will these star-crossed lovers go their separate ways, or will they choose to stay on The Naughty List... together?

*Please note that this story was originally released as part of the Hollywood Humbug anthology.

Contos / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Wrapped In Holly


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Humbug Lane
Hollywood Humbug
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Me surpreendeu!
on 5/12/23

Quando comecei a leitura, achei que não curtiria muito o livro. É que não sou muito chegada a histórias de recomeços e segundas chances (ironicamente, dos 5 livros da série que li até agora, 4 abordaram esse tema), principalmente ao saber da natureza mais física do relacionamento deles no passado. Mas não é que a história me surpreendeu? Quando o segredo do mocinho foi revelado, as coisas se tornaram ainda melhores. Perdi meu coração de vez. Eu amei acompanhar o reencontro desses dois ... leia mais


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Suelen Mattos
cadastrou em:
29/11/2023 12:53:00
Suelen Mattos
editou em:
29/11/2023 12:53:12