Aberrant Monsters

Aberrant Monsters Debbie Cassidy


Aberrant Monsters (New Blood: Eldritch Blues #1)

Evicting a monster is no easy feat. Especially when the monster lives inside you.

I’m a rift walker, one of a handful of humans able to step into a world of monsters and arcane magic. We follow three simple rules:
*Never step into the eldritch realm after sundown.
*Never stay for more than an hour
*Never, ever bring anything back

I broke all three rules.

Now my body is host to a psychotic aberration who materialises after sundown to haunt me in the flesh. Flesh arranged on a body made for sin, despite its monstrous proportions.

Telarion delights in tormenting me with his deep grumbling voice, and arrogant demands.
He wants out. He wants to be free, and I’m totally on board with finding a way to evict him.

But the Supernatural agency governing Eldritch activity have other plans for us.

They want us to work for them, hunting down other eldritch horrors. In return, they’ll refrain from exterminating us and find a way to separate us instead.

But the clock is ticking, because the longer we’re connected, the more I’m changing, and I’m afraid…Afraid that by the time they find a solution, it might be too late.

I might already be a monster.

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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Aberrant Monsters


Resenhas para Aberrant Monsters (4)

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"The power. The threat. And your eyes..."
on 8/7/23

O livro é extremamente bom. Leitura fluída. A autora escreve bem demais e traz um universo novo e muito viciante ao qual acabamos infiltrados em pouquíssimo tempo. A história é viciante e intrigante. A protagonista é poderosa e maravilhosa e vivencia uma situação de possessão por uma aberração que entrou em seu corpo e salvou sua vida. Temos proximidade forçada, villain takes the girl e touch her and you die ?? todas as tropes que eu amo de paixão. O casal é intenso e sensual. Amei dem... leia mais


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editou em:
26/07/2023 19:23:54

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