An Assassin

An Assassin's Guide to Love and Treason Virginia Boecker


An Assassin's Guide to Love and Treason

When Lady Katherine's father is killed for being an illegally practicing Catholic, she discovers treason wasn't the only secret he's been hiding: he was also involved in a murder plot against the reigning Queen Elizabeth I. With nothing left to lose, Katherine disguises herself as a boy and travels to London to fulfill her father's mission, and to take it one step further--kill the queen herself.

Katherine's opportunity comes in the form of William Shakespeare's newest play, which is to be performed in front of Her Majesty. But what she doesn't know is that the play is not just a play--it's a plot to root out insurrectionists and destroy the rebellion once and for all.

The mastermind behind this ruse is Toby Ellis, a young spy for the queen with secrets of his own. When Toby and Katherine are cast opposite each other as the play's leads, they find themselves inexplicably drawn to one another. But the closer they grow, the more precarious their positions become. And soon they learn that star-crossed love, mistaken identity, and betrayal are far more dangerous off the stage than on.

Aventura / Jovem adulto

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on 22/4/20

Eu esperava muito, mas muito deste livro. Minhas expectativas raramente já estiveram tão altas e mais raramente ainda já foram atendidas do jeito que foram com este livro! Ele não é como eu esperava, é bem melhor! É divertido, mas não é engraçado, apesar de ter um tom de ironia discreto em alguns momentos que é muito legal! A ambientação é perfeita, a narrativa é ótima, a escrita é ideal. Este livro é excelente! Tem alguns livros que, quando você lê, percebe que o autor é inteligent... leia mais


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02/02/2018 17:55:52